


Go to Blogger edit html and find these sentences.Now replace these sentences with your own descriptions.


Go to Blogger edit html and find these sentences.Now replace these sentences with your own descriptions.


Go to Blogger edit html and find these sentences.Now replace these sentences with your own descriptions.


Go to Blogger edit html and find these sentences.Now replace these sentences with your own descriptions.


Go to Blogger edit html and find these sentences.Now replace these sentences with your own descriptions.

"aduh... gimana donk..? gw lupa pasword file tugasnya....!"
Begitulah keluhan sobat saya yang kehilang atau lupa pasword file ZIP yang ia miliki..,
emang sich sangat menyakitkan kalu kita kedapatan masalah seperti hal di atas....!

tapi.... tunggu dulu,

kalo temen-temen ada yang ngalamin permasalahan yang serupa, temen-temen bisa ngedepetin
paswordnya lagi dengan cara merecoverinya. Sejauh ini sich yang saya tau ada beberpa sofware yang bisa di bilang cukup ngebantu buat permasalahan tersebut.....,

Post image in your heder blog.

Post image in your header blog.

1. ascertaining you have chosen photo matching with
template which you use for example 10x4 inch
2. step into your account later;then open layout tab
3. click Page element
4. title page of blog your click edit
5. window of configure header , activating computer
your from and of behind description and title
6. shares of image click bowse
7. await a few moments until photoes which you wish
entered part of image
8. later;then don't forget click of save
9. hereinafter you remain him seeing.

Tray now

Make A easy Blog

Helo every body...

Blog ( abbreviation of Web logarithm) is situs which in character more personal, that is heavier to depiction from the maker of itself blog.
As does e-mail, in making blog even also we have to have a account beforehand, therefore please register yourself beforehand [in] provider blog free ( penyedia of hosting / free blog domain). Blog provider Free very many there are [in] internet and some popular in this time is http://www.blogger.com, http://www.wordpress.com and also http://blogsome.com.
n this opportunity is I will comment concerning way making of blog [in] http://www.blogger.com.



If you fail don’t be indeesfire. Pake that experience to blaze your consciousness for combat so that your glorious aspirations reached immegiately.

Every body was survive and stil live in this world, but seldom they was find something trouble in their live. Remember…we don’t surrender, and don’t give up for all because god shall try his servan as well they do.

Is sometime you feel bored, just remember world :

  1. don’t worry to about tomorrow, you will get something with hard work
  2. do not forget your experience but use them to leat the future.
  3. be wide as the ocean for everything can be accepted faithfully
  4. the best way to overcome difficulties and trouble is to go through them

membuat foto menjadi background judl blog

1. pastikan anda telah memilih foto yang sesuai dengan template yang anda gunakan
misalnya 10x4 inci
2. masuk ke account anda kemudian buka tab layout
3. klik Page element
4. pada page judul blog anda klik edit
5. pada jendela configure header , aktifkan from your computer dan behind title and description.
6. pada bagian image klik bowse..
7. tunggu beberapa saat sampai foto yang anda inginkan masuk bagian image.
8. kemudian jangan lupa klik save..
9. selanjutnya anda tinggal melihatnya.

Thank smoga bermanfaat ya......!

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